          推背圖 - 推(測)背(叛)(企)圖 推背圖 - 推(測)背(叛)(企)圖 一人為大世界福 - Upside Down 手執籤筒拔去竹 - "Easy.Shoot.1.Jean 室內裝潢" "筒中.5.籤"紅黃黑白不分明 - All "Wh 帛琉en.Down" - "1.Die.Boot.Rule.1.Die" - "畜生.Boot.Rule" - "生. ARMANIBoot.Rule.4"  東南西北盡和睦 - No peaceful life where-everYou don't have trus 酒店經紀tful enemy, you don't deserve peaceful life; because your ass kisser is not your friend, worse tha 室內設計n your enemy; your friend can only go along with your lie, "Tin.Knee.Dow.Deed" - 無力回天 鞠躬盡瘁 ["1.Die.Boot.Rul 烏來溫泉e.1.Die" - "畜生.Boot.Rule" - "生.Boot.Rule.4"] : That how you must not give birth, because it is the only way to prove that your parents not in 面膜deed committed the crime to give birth of "1.Die.Boot.Rule.1.Die". Because you leave no blood behind can prove that you indeed do better than either one of yo 買屋ur parents. ( "一人" must supposed small like the top of Pyramid. Even "君" [Huang.Deed] must 輕 ["Mean.Way.Gray. Sir.G.次.Zhi. "君.Way.輕"], not mention anyone less powerful 開幕活動less forceful less authority than King; how dare demand/allow any woman "自重")  .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 室內設計  .

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